Saturday, January 17, 2009


Some tips to help you reach and achieve success
Mental conditioning for success.. You have to really want it before you can get it.- Start with the intention to become successful.- Create the mental environment that fosters success and build a drive to succeed. What you can do: Look at where you are now and look at where you want to be. Now come up with a plan to get there. Observe your thoughts in the process.. are you in a 'reactive' mode or 'proactive' mode. Ex. "I need to keep working so I can pay my bills" vs. "What are my goals and how can I reach them?" (dependent thinking vs. independent thinking)The first one sets you into a reactive mindset.. an "I cant because my environment dictates my decisions.. " modeIn a proactive mindset... you adopt an "I am responsible" mode. The proactive mindset allows you to become open to the answer you are looking for. It allows your eyes and ears to stay tuned looking and listening for ways to achieve what you want. Like a radar, you are looking for something (consciously or unconsciously) and when you find it you will be ready to take action more quickly and less likely to resist!
Be creative and open to new ideasAlways keep your self open to new ideas and opportunities.. Once in a while 'extract' yourself from the same day to day activities and give yourself the opportunity to look ahead and think BIG! Avoid putting yourself in situations (like financial ones) where you can become 'tied up' from making bigger & better decisions... something that keeps you locked into the 'reactive' mode
Stay focused & energized. Avoid distractions when possible and stay focused. Allow yourself some time to think of where you would like to be years from now and what you need to do to get there. Avoid doing things that do nothing but distract you or drain you of energy and creativity. Find time to stay focused. Find a space to be 'recover' and build up your energy levels. Read books that motivate you. Do things that give you a sense of accomplishment and add to your sense of self worth.
Take calculated risksThis applies to any aspects of life.. Sometimes the biggest risk is not taking any. Imagine all the 'I could haves' when 'I should have'. Dont take foolish risks.. but plan and take calculated ones. Ones that are backed up by your passion to succeed no matter what happens. One that you know even if you failed you would get yourself back up and, learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. Do not be afraid to take calculated risks.
Failure is a blessing!.. if you run into them.. just reorganize, reprioritize and keep moving forward. Failure is a pre-requisite to success. A person who has never experienced failure likely never experienced success. Failure should not bring you down, it should make you want to succeed even more. Mentally challenge yourself in the mist of failure.
"Taste" Success.. unless you never have the 'feel' for success you may never hunger for it. Getting the taste of success can drive you to keep moving forward and take even bigger steps and making even bigger decisions. You can start small such as a simple transaction, acquiring something, selling something, saving something, accomplishing something, investing in something or just seeing results! Success gives you the feeling of reward and that there is more waiting for you!
"Feel" the feeling of Ownership!Unless you have the feeling of real ownership and control, success would be harder to obtain. Ownership gives you a sense of pride, a sense that you get what you put in. You control how far you want to go and how much you can potentially make..To do this you must take responsibility and look ahead.. and you must take action!
Never slow downThe real world never slows down and neither should you! Constantly look at ways to improve your business, improve what you do.. or improve your own self. Constantly look for new tools to enhance your business.. to challenge your own self.. your co-workers or employees. Think of a water metaphor.. in nature for water to stay fresh, it needs to constantly flow! Keep your ideas flowing and keep building on the knowledge, experience you have and let that momentum keep moving you forward.

We will all succeed.