Saturday, May 10, 2008


Success is a personal definition. You define your own success. But how do you get there? Your success might be losing 20 pounds, making $5,000.00 a month, finding a loving spouse or living in a mansion. However you define it, the path to achieve it is the same for everyone.
Not all people who achieve success know how they got there. People who have figured out that one little secret can achieve success multiple times; over and over again. They can stop smoking and lose weight at the same time – an almost impossible feat. They can lose millions and go on to make billions (Donald Trump). They are not different from you, they only practice one secret that you don’t know yet.
And yet, you may have the secret and not fully utilize it. Many people talk about, or hear, the secret but don’t put it into practice. The concept is at the heart of many movies, books, radio programs and church services. You can even interpret the secret in some billboards.
Hearing it and ‘knowing’ it are two different things.
Have you ever had an “UH-HUH!” moment; when something you’ve heard for weeks finally makes sense and you understand how it affects your world. Understanding this secret is a lot like that. You’ve probably heard it. You know people who use it. But you don’t know how to put it into practice and even worse, you don’t know that you don’t know.
So, what is that secret? The secret is different for everyone. It is the thing that pushes your buttons. You might not even know what it is yet. You may be working on autopilot like so many people. But once you discover your ‘one thing’ you have the ability to harness all of your collective energy into a powerhouse that will catapult you into whatever success you want.
Is this too pie-in-the-sky for you? Maybe feels new-age? It isn’t. It’s a technique that’s been used for centuries by successful people. It’s taught in every network marketing company. It’s on radio shows, talk shows, church sermons and billboards. It is what motivate you. ‘It’ is personal to you.
Without ‘it’ you won’t complete time management tasks, you won’t learn new strategies to fulfill your destiny, you won’t take risks or learn new techniques. You’ll continue to do what you’ve always done and get the same results you always have.
Knowing ‘it’ empowers you to be a risk-taker. Knowing ‘it’ doesn’t make success instantaneous but it does energize your focused actions and clarifies your future plans. You no longer are adrift in a sea of ideas, possibilities and problems. You are focused on your success and a specific plan to achieve it.
There are tools to help you find your ‘it’. The best and most powerful is to go to a quiet place, without interruption requires physical activity; such as going for a walk. The activity stimulates your brain and the outdoors clears your head.
Now focus, what is it that makes you happiest? What would you change? What do you desperately desire? Talk aloud, there isn’t anyone there. Brainstorm to yourself. These are important concepts and they may not solidify in one or even two walks. But stay with it. When you get home, write it down. Don’t focus on things but on achievements. You don’t want lots of money but specifically to have a million dollars.
Just because it’s simple don’t underestimate the power of your ‘why’. This is what drives you when you stumble, and you will stumble. No one becomes successful without a few bumps in the road and some of those bumps are ditches. Your ‘why’ will bring you through the trials and into success but you have to find it first. That’s why any successful person can articulate their ‘it’. That’s why no amount of education and learning can sustain you when the going gets tough.
Your reason why is personal to you. No one else can find your motivation to work long hours and achieve your success. It comes from you. Learn that simple secret and you are already halfway home.

You will succeed.


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