Saturday, January 26, 2008


Along with the joy and excitement of the New Year’s season, a feeling of sadness often exists side by side. This feeling sometimes grows stronger after the New Year itself has passed. During this period we consciously or unconsciously review the year that has gone by, how it’s met our expectations and the ways in which we have developed or grown.
We also become aware of our disappointments, both in others and in ourselves. The New Year itself can seem daunting to some, challenging to others, filled with excitement or with fear. However, it is important to realize that a new year is new. Just as each breath we take is a fresh one, unless we carry the past with us as heavy baggage, unless we cling to old memories and mistakes, we can begin to live this year in a way that is truly refreshing and healing as well.
Each day, each moment offers us this opportunity, if we know how to enter it truly. Whatever has happened, or hasn’t happened, however the new year appears to you, there are several steps we all can take in starting a truly new chapter, making a beginning that is fresh and new.
Step 1 ­ is to realize that in order for our year to be new, we have to be new. No matter how much we may want to hold onto the old, life itself is a series of changes. When we resist change, we resist life itself. Though difficult at times, change brings new growth, values, goals and understanding. As we say good-bye to plans, hopes, and old ways of being, we can open the door to new experience and fulfillment.
Along with the joy of new growth, growing pains can be common. Don’t be afraid of a little sadness or fear. It is natural, to be expected. Welcome it with open arms in the realization that new life is on the way. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. Then let the feeling go and move straight, directly into the present moment. The present moment is always filled with wonder, freshness and endless possibilities.
Step 2 ­ Go over your past year with fresh eyes. Instead of finding everything wrong that has happened, find everything right that went on. Make a list of the good things that happened to you. Make a list of the ways in which people in your life pleased you, and the ways in which you pleased them as well. Make a list of the things you admire and respect about who you are. (The more you admire and respect yourself, the easier it is to embark and succeed at new goals and dreams). Most of the time we focus upon the negative and in this manner throw ourselves into depression. Change this habit now. By focusing on what went right each day, the year will be truly new.
Step 3 ­ Give thanks. Each day find five things and people to give thanks for. Write this down. Then, actually call or write to at least one of the people on your list and offer them thanks for who they are or what they’ve done. This is a wonderful way of freeing yourself from feelings of deprivation and resentment most of us walk around with each day. It is also a wonderful way of realizing the enormous support available to you for realizing new dreams and accomplishing goals.
The New Year has endless possibilities. You may make resolutions and create many new goals and dreams. However, without a strong, consistent positive focus, in subtle ways we undermine ourselves. Build this new perspective. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself and others all year long.

This year will be a successful year for you.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Success takes work and good work requires the right tools. No one ever achieved lasting success by accident or luck. Every successful person uses reliable methods of increasing the probability of success in life. You, too, can use those same tools in your life to forge a successful outcome to your endeavors.
Persistence and will power are the most important tools to have. Many of us have come from a disadvantaged background, lack a positive mental attitude, don't have a plan for the future and may be surrounded by negative people, influences and failures.
None of that matters if you use your power of will and persist in improving yourself! Start from where you are with what you have at hand. Do not wait for things to get better. Do not put off making an effort because you lack some part or thing that you think you need. Begin NOW to take action and change your circumstances.
Assume a positive mental attitude. Treat yourself well. Fill your mind with a positive vision of the future. Banish negative, hateful thinking from your mind. Cut out all the negative influences in your life by either avoiding them or removing them altogether. Prevent your mind from being affected by the negative influence of other people.
Make a written plan for success. Pick goals to reach and set a date for reaching them. Read your plan aloud every day. Revise your plan as you reach your intermediate goals. Review your plan and improve it as you grow in confidence and ability. Never abandon your plan. Commit yourself to finishing everything you begin.
Surround yourself with successful, like-minded people. Befriend them and create harmony with them. Find ways of providing good service to them, without thinking of how you will be repaid. Serve willingly and in full. By serving others, you become worthy of being served.
Get excited about your life. True happiness comes from doing what is exciting for you. No one else can tell you what is exciting for you. Dare to dream big dreams and begin now to reach out and grasp those dreams.
Accept every temporary failure as the seed of an equivalent or greater success. Temporary failure may be just what you need to prevent you from following a path or course that will prevent you from reaching true success. Instead of quitting, revise your plans. Take new actions. JUST DON'T QUIT!

Saturday, January 12, 2008


1.Money is not a scarce possession,it is only scarce to those who don't want it badly.
2.The things you are thinking about right now becomes your future dream.
3.The moment you stop dreaming is the moment you stop living.
4.You can never attract success by living in the pool of failure.
5.If you want riches you must be rich in your mind by finding the rich.
6.Your quick success will not withstand the tempest storm of endurance.
7.A poor man must leave his environment of poverty to have a chance of becoming rich.
8.The reason why you are not happy is because you evaluate your happiness by external things rather than peace of mind and inner fulfillment.
9.Those who are going to be rich tomorrow are already sowing the seeds of financial investment.
10.Nothing is magic,those who succeed plan and fail,and plan again and succeed.
See you at the top.