Sunday, November 25, 2007


How do you react to deadlines? How would you feel if someone said "Hurry up, the clock is ticking and we've got to get this completed!"? How well do you cope with stress? Isn't it amazing to notice how radically your experience of passing time changes depending on the circumstances, with little correlation to the steady flow of time as shown on a clock.
Have you ever sat in a waiting room with a clock on the wall that went "tick tock, tick tock" over and over and over again, until such time that you either wanted to run out of the room, or throw the clock out the window?
This kind of experience is especially excruciating when you are waiting for something that you really are not looking forward to, like a treatment from your dentist.
In particular, when you are feeling stressed out you experience time distortion. In some instances, like when waiting for your dentist, one minute of clock time seems to take forever. At other times when you are working towards a deadline, time appears to slip away without your knowing where it went, and you are left wondering why you are accomplishing so little.
Waiting for a train that is twenty minutes late, when that train is bringing your loved one back to you, is very different than getting to the train station early with your loved one and waiting twenty minutes for the same train to take your loved one away from you. The train is the same, the station is the same, your loved one is the same, and the time on the clock is the same, but somehow, your emotional experience of "twenty minutes" is quite different.
It is important for each of us to understand how the fixed passage of time as measured by a clock, has little to do with our emotional experience of time. Rather than being under the illusion that time rules our life, we will do well to recognize that it is our emotional experience and our mindset that determines how we relate to the ticking of the clock.
Restrict your breathing and tense your muscles and time invariably will appear to speed up. You relate to time according to your expectations of what will transpire. Expect that you will be successful and the clock on the wall appears to offer you a bit more time. Expect the worst and you will have difficulty keeping up.
What can you do to have a healthier perspective in regard to time?
The first thing you can do is breathe slowly and deeply. When you slow down your body clock, the clock on the wall appears to slow down along with you. The next thing you can do is check in with your body. If you create a feeling of expansion in your body, by aligning your posture and releasing your muscles, time will appear to expand somewhat as well.
Furthermore, you can notice your surroundings and extend your awareness out into the space around you. When you extend your awareness to take in the wide range of sights and sounds taking place in your local environment you will also extend your concept of time.
Lastly, realize that with any luck, you will have tomorrow to accomplish what you were not able to accomplish today. Every new day, brings new opportunities for appreciating your life and the people you care about.
Olubunmi Filani.


It's time for the "mainstream" to WAKE UP. The alarm clock is ringing, they keep hitting snooze, and in the meantime, the life they could be living is passing them by.
Day after day, millions of people go through their lives wishing and hoping and dreaming that things could be better, with absolutely no knowledge that it is they themselves that perpetuate their own dissatisfaction.
It is not the "gifted few" who create their realities. It's not just for those in the metaphysical community. It is all of us. Every single one. However, there are a few who have awakened to this knowledge, and make creating their reality a daily event, manifesting whatever it is they want in their life with seemingly no effort!
Meanwhile the rest of the world looks on in wonder and disbelief. They assume that these "fortunate few" are among the cosmically lucky.
To be honest, the whole thing generates some anger in me. The problem is that we are "dumbed down" by society throughout our whole lives under the pretense that we are actually being intellectualized. The "scholarly" tell us that metaphysical topics like reality creation are pure fantasy. Science insists on measurable evidence of everything before it will acknowledge such claims as fact.
However, it's really not that difficult to comprehend. Even the most skeptical people should be able to grasp a few simple concepts like:
Everything in the Universe is composed of Energy, including you and me. Even our thoughts are Energy.
Through Energy, everything in the Universe is connected.
The Universe creates without effort, and in abundance. Just look around you. Trees, rocks, air, planets, etc. all were created without stress, effort, or over-analyzation. The Force you choose to believe initiated the creative process doesn't matter. They are all there and were created effortlessly.
You ARE a part of the Universe and through the power of thought, have the same creative power that manifests everything you see. The only thing that limits your potential is your own belief system!
Everything that occurs in your life is interpreted BY YOU. You add the meaning, you add the emotional response, you add EVERYTHING. It is your thoughts that literally take the energy "data" and transpose it into your reality. What you consider "real" is nothing more than an agreement that you've made with yourself (and no doubt many others in some cases).
This is how our reality has been shaped. This is how we have learned what is possible, and what is impossible. We learned it from OTHER PEOPLE. The problem is, these other people (family and friends perhaps?) have their OWN limiting belief systems which they ALSO consider "real".
So human limitations spread like a virus, and we don't even realize what's happening.
As discouraging as this is, many of us ARE waking up. I personally feel it my sacred duty to shake people out of this "intellectual trance" that limits them and show them what is truly possible.
So what IS the difference between those who cruise through life in a seemingly perpetual state of bliss, with everything they want coming to them with no effort, and the rest of the population working at jobs they hate for the sake of doing the "responsible" thing, hoping that SOME DAY they can live the lives they hope for?
The difference is that these people know their purpose, know WHY they absolutely HAVE to fulfill that purpose, and commit themselves to never stopping until they realize their dream. They may or may not have thrown the accepted definition of "responsibility" out the window. The only thing that matters ultimately is that they now live lives they love, following their passions.
You see it is our PASSIONS in life that tell us precisely what we are to do. When we follow our passions, our life lights up. We give off incredibly powerful energy which attracts our desires to us. That means people, money, objects, careers...whatever we want that is in line with our purpose. The Universe WANTS to provide those things we want most. It is only our own limiting belief systems that stop fulfillment from occurring.
When you create,you become a creator.
Olubunmi Filani.

Monday, November 19, 2007


In my previous article, Step 1, your challenge for the month was to research where your passion lies. Based on your research you might have discovered that self investigation can lead us to two places; either we find out our answer or we realize we need to ask more questions to get that answer.
Finding your purpose takes great effort, but can be effortless all at the same time. It seems that once we begin pursuing that in which we were intended, everything falls into place. But the matter we have to realize is that time plays a great role. Sometimes people are over night successes and others have to nurture their purpose for years to come. Keep in mind though, as long as you enjoy what it is you are pursuing and the motivation you have is strong, than that alone will sustain your ambition and provide your passion longevity.
Remember you are making a commitment to yourself. You should treat that commitment the same way you would treat a marriage or devoted friendship. The key is to value yourself the way you value others. Having a good attitude from the very beginning can make the difference and not only affect your career, but the people around you. Self dedication does show and the commitment will be reflected in your professional life and relationships.
Assuming you now have a general idea of what you would like to do, now you need to visualize how to get from Point A, where you are now, to Point B, where you would like to be. Sometimes it is easier to set up a structure for your business if you look at the large picture of your purpose and where you intend to be in the future. Granted your ideas and goals change as you change, but your general purpose will usually remain the same, it just branches out.
Now that you have researched what you want to do, take the time to research what others in your area of interest have already done. Conducting market research will allow you to get a feel for the industry you are entering. It’s important to see what is out there. Look up trade journals and magazines. Really put some effort into getting involved with your career and learning about it. Every career has an abundant amount of resources available and a lot of that information is free. If you see a trade journal or magazine that you like, sign up for their newsletter. This will help keep you updated on industry events and trends.
Reading and researching can be one sided tasks. Sometimes it is easier to learn about your career by actually interacting with others in the field. This can be done on your own time instead of regular business hours thanks to the internet. Now you can find chat groups, users groups, and forums and you are not limited by time zones or borders.
One of my favorite resources is Yahoo Groups at You can look up any particular subject and find a group where you can discuss some of your career objections. This is an excellent way to network with your peers and experts in the field. It is not uncommon to find a lot of other “newbies” in these groups as well as professionals. The most important thing is to not be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t know what questions to ask then reading over the archives of a group is a great place to start. Groups vary in size and subject so what I suggest is to join a couple to see which ones fit your personal needs.
Another resource you can use is ListServ lists Typically you subscribe through your email client to a discussion group within your field of interest. You can also do a search for “listserves” or “user groups” on the internet to pull up a vast amount of sites that list an array of groups. Not all lists are treated equal so again use your own judgment when joining.
I also personally like forum communities. You can often search for “forums” online to find one in your career field. It’s a great opportunity to share your discoveries as well as learn from others. Not to mention you can do several searches within a forum and read old posts. This is a great way to see other member profiles which often reference their personal or business websites. Some forums even have a ‘members’ section that lists all their members profiles. Any profile with a “www” by their name usually has a live link to their site. Be sure to take the time and visit these sites for reference.
When you are visiting other people’s websites in your field, I advise you to check and see if they have a links page. I have found so many great resources through other people’s links pages. Also it helps you get an idea of what sites you can possibly request link exchanges from in the future.
By networking with others and conducting your own market research, you will gain a better sense of direction and get an idea where it is you want to be in the future with your career. If you see a website that you like, bookmark it. Then once you have collected enough information, go back and review your favorites once more. Ask yourself what do you like about it? What information was useful to you? Was the site visually appealing? Was the site easy to navigate? If not, what would you change? What information would you add? Take notes, write your thoughts down and remember… patience plus perseverance, equals purpose.
You will get to the top.
Olubunmi Filani.


There is no such thing as a “small” job. Each function within our society aids our detailed technical lifestyles and well being. From a store clerk to a business executive, each position is an intricate part of the matrix of our world. We rely on these functions without even realizing their value or contribution to our daily activity. Each person has their place and each person has their purpose. The key is discovering and taking the time to find out what exactly you are to contribute to the world.
What is even more challenging is that often we are presented with serving multiple roles in our lives besides just our “purpose.” We are parents, workers, spouses, and children. All of which demand time and effort from our daily lives. What is important though is that we balance our time and our roles to nurture our purpose and inner abilities. It takes time and effort to discover your goals and ambitions, but it is a quest that need not go unnoticed.
A common excuse for not nurturing our talents is that we are too busy with other activities. When in actuality perhaps we have over extended our time and resources. Take a moment to sit down and note what in your life takes up your time. And then after you make that list, make a column and mark what is a priority, what really “has” to be done. Be sure to note how much personal time you get outside from all your other responsibilities. Start out small and see if you can allocate at least a half hour or an hour of your time a day devoted to yourself without interruptions. Use this time to evaluate the path of your life. Are you doing what you want to be doing right now? If yes, what could you do to further your progress? If no, what do you want to do?
Use free thinking in your evaluation. Free thinking means there are no limits. You can dream to be anything you want to be. Think about what you would like to do whether you were paid or not. Think about what makes you feel good as a person. Maybe you like the arts or maybe you like to work outside. Compare your aspirations with your current life situation. Are you close to your goals or are you far away?
Once you have addressed your aspirations, make notes in a special notebook dedicated to just you. It is great to see your ideas take formation when they hit the paper and also it is a great way to look at your progress on days where you may feel there is none. Plus you will need a notebook for further steps as well. Feel free to personalize this notebook and make it attractive for yourself.
Don’t feel guilty for taking this special time for yourself. Understand that your commitment to yourself will reflect off onto others. By bettering yourself, you become better in all the roles and commitments you hold. It is when we stop to listen to our true selves and the nature of our lives that we are able to create abundance in our environment and those around us. What you are doing is investing in a personal foundation.
If you only have a half hour or an hour a day, make a list of what you want to accomplish with that time. So once the clock starts ticking you are ready to be productive and work on your goals. Time management is good practice right from the beginning. So when you do figure out what your purpose is, you will be ready to use every minute you get efficiently.
Once you figure out where you want to go or what direction you want to take in your life, then take the time to research… research…research. Research is a crucial element of developing your career strategy. Go to the library or do a search online for the topic you are interested in pursuing. Find out what tools you will need to start your purpose. Will you need additional education or training? Will you need a business loan? Or will you be using your own personal resources for the start up? Don’t let money issues stop your progress. Remember knowledge is the currency here. There are ways to accomplish your purpose on little to no funds.
Remember real life purposes take real life work. Sure some people get lucky, but often others have to really dedicate themselves to their success. Have an open mind during this self evaluation period and the rest will follow. Most importantly, be patient with yourself the same way you would be patient with another person. Secondly, perseverance is essential in the formula for success. You have to be willing to make a serious commitment from day one to yourself. Your ideas may change form along the way, but at least you are continuing to reach towards self fulfillment.
As a summary for this step’s exercise, write it down, take a pen and paper and make a personal inventory of your ambitions or the things that you are good at and enjoy. What do you feel passion about? What would you want to do even if you didn’t get paid for it? Second of all, be honest with yourself. Don’t feel ashamed or guilty to recognize your talents… after all that’s what they are there for, to be recognized. It’s up to you to release them and share them with others. Make your purpose, your business.


Did you know that appreciation is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe for manifesting and attracting prosperity? According to teachers like L. Ron Hubbard (father of Dianetics), Abraham-Hicks and Drunvalo Melchizedek, appreciating yourself and your life can literally boost you to the highest vibrations.
If you’re a student of prosperity or manifestation, you probably know that the higher your vibration, the easier it is to attract positive things into your life. Because most of us are so busy and stressed by the pace of life, we find it difficult to get to and stay in a high vibration. Yet, this is where the attraction of prosperity most easily occurs. According to Abraham-Hicks, 17 seconds of pure positive energy (translation: appreciation), is actually worth 2,000 hours of physical work! That means, if you want prosperity in your life and you don’t want to work so hard, then start appreciating as many things as you can.
How do you appreciate? It’s simple. Pick any topic in your life. Start by finding the best thought or feeling you can about it. Then, find the next better thought or feeling about that. Then, the next better one. Keep reaching for the next better thought or feeling, and pretty soon you will be in appreciation!
For instance, let’s say you’re not too fond of your place of work and you feel so stressed there that you have a hard time being appreciative. A good thought you might have about your work is that it pays your bills so you have food, shelter and gainful employment. Next, you might reach for a thought about a co-worker who is your friend, who keeps you laughing. After that, a thought about a good laugh the two of you shared will probably pop into your head. After that, a thought about how much better your current job is than your last one will appear. Next, you might appreciate the amount of vacation time you get. And so on.
The trick is to follow this process through, no matter how artificial it seems at first, until you actually feel a positive shift in your thoughts and feelings. You will feel lighter, brighter, happier, more uplifted and joyful. Many people have followed this process through until they are literally crying with appreciation. Think about how much prosperity that attracts!!
Even though Thanksgiving only comes around once a year, a little appreciation and gratitude (or giving of thanks) on a daily basis will take you far in the journey toward prosperity. Good luck and, most of all, have fun with this!
You will prosper in life.
Olubunmi Filani.


You've probably heard this idea at one time or another. You've probably nodded your head in agreement understanding that thoughts are in fact, things. You probably believe this and accept that your thoughts, being things, do in fact have power.
Have you really thought about this? Do you apply this to your day-to-day life? Hopefully you do, because you're every thought and word is contributing to your life experience.
For openers, your thoughts produce your emotions which, in turn, result in how you feel about a particular event occurring in your life. It has always amazed me how people can walk around feeling a particular way and not understand that it is their own thoughts, or more accurately what they are telling themselves that is producing the feeling in the first place. This is why two people can look at the exact same event and have opposite feelings about it.
You are creating your own reality, moment by moment, with the thoughts you choose to think and what you say, both to yourself and others.
Let's explore this a little further. Most people will agree, and science can demonstrate, that everything in our world is a field of energy and therefore has a particular frequency. The chair you're sitting on, your car, your cat, dog, you and everything else including thoughts, have a field of energy or vibration. Recent scientific work has identified particular ranges of frequencies and scientists are able to measure them. Interestingly enough, negative energies, like anger and rage, measure very low on the scale, while positive energies like those given off by prayer and meditation reach the highest measurements.
At this point you may be wondering what this has to do with your thoughts. Bear with me and I promise to connect the dots.
The second part of this equation is the universal law that states "like attracts like". This has been referred to as the law of attraction, law of similar and other names. What we choose to call it is not terribly important, what is important to understanding the part this plays in our lives.
Connecting the Dots:
Let's supposing for a moment you're in a bad mood. You're feeling pretty negative. At that particular moment in time your personal vibration, the energy of your thoughts and words is in the lower frequencies. Let's call this particular mood, "Frequency X."
Now somewhere off in the distant universe, there is another negative experience. Maybe it's a flat tire, whose frequency happens to be "X" as well. By virtue the law of attraction, you will begin attracting that or some other undesirable experience to you. There are no accidents. The universe works on a specific set of principals that do not waiver. Like attracts like, whether we believe it or not.
The good news is that the opposite is also true. If, for example, you are feeling great, having invested time sitting and reading your goals and taking care to monitor your thoughts, intentions, and your internal and external dialog, you are now entering a high energy vibration and are in a place to attract other high vibrations, generally things that you want to have, into your life.
I'm not asking you to accept this blindly only that you begin to observe the world around you and see if this holds true for you. I'm sure you've noticed situations when, in a room full of people, one person seems to be the center of attention. Why do you suppose this is? I'll give you a hint, that's it's probably not her perfume.
Similarly, you probably know people who are always having undesirable experiences in their lives. These are the people who have a lousy time in even the best restaurant. They seem to travel with dark clouds over them and always experience things going wrong in their everyday lives. If you observe and listen to them closely, you will begin to see the connection between what they think and say and what shows up in their lives.
Your exercise for the next few days is to closely monitor your every thought and word. When you catch yourself dwelling in the negative, do something to interrupt your pattern and substitute a positive though in it's place. It has been said that any thought consistently held for about 15 to 20 seconds will begin to attract a similar energy. This is one of the reasons you want to read your life's vision and goals daily. This will hold your attention on thoughts of that which you want and help you bring it toward you.
Your success is within your reach.

Olubunmi Filani

Thursday, November 1, 2007


You know it never ceases to amaze me when talking with people regarding living life to the fullest, how the majority of people perceive that it must happen.
When it comes to money, the majority believe that you must work longer, harder, or be luckier than the next person if you are to ever achieve any type of financial security. It is a common belief that "money is hard to come by," or "money doesn’t grow on trees."
Although I have never actually seen a money tree, the concept of wealth creation is much easier than most realize, or can imagine. The reality is that money is only a medium of exchange, that can easily be attracted if one knows the simple laws and principles for doing so.
Obviously money isn’t the only aspect of living an abundant life, although many will disagree.
To live a truly abundant life, there are actually 3 areas that determine a true sense of fulfillment, which must be balanced if one is to really experience and enjoy life to the fullest.
These 3 key areas are Money, Health, and Relationships.
If you had $30,000,000.00 but your health was such that you couldn’t get out of the house to enjoy it, it would have little value. If you had the same amount of money and phenomenal health but no one to share it with, it would be nothing but worthless paper.
By the same token, if you were absolutely broke, but enjoyed healthy relationships and outstanding health, it would be impossible to experience and fully enjoy those things that money can buy, which would allow you to do for yourself and those you love, whatever you would like. Correct?
It’s true that the majority in the world, perceive and experience lack in one or more of the three key areas of life, and true abundance is only enjoyed by the minority.
But why is that?
With respect to money, it has been estimated that if the worlds wealth were divided among the people of the world equally, there would be enough for every single person alive, children included, to live in a 3000 square foot home and have $7,000,000.00 in cash!
Why is it that some seem to have it all, while others scrape by from day to day just to pay the bills and keep food on the table?
Actually, the answer is quite simple, and the simplicity of it will astound you. Many will shun the concept based on the simplicity of the answer.
Do you know what the reason is? It’s called thoughts and emotions. These 2 incredibly powerful aspects of your life are what determines what you have or don’t have. These 2 seemingly simple aspects of mind are the difference between living a life of overflowing abundance or barely getting by.
How can that be? It is our thoughts and emotions that form our beliefs. These beliefs are established, for the most part, when we are just young children and are based on the experiences of our parents, and what they were taught and came to believe as truth in their life.
As life goes on, we accumulate and establish many more beliefs based on the type of church we attend or what our particular religion teaches. We establish these beliefs when something happens in our life that supports what we were taught, regardless of their validity, and they then become our reality. Once this happens it becomes an endless circle of the same results over and over and over again.
Many people believe that the occurrences that happen in their day to day lives happen because that is "Just the way life is", and for them, it’s absolutely true.
What many fail to realize is that the reason that these things happen as they do is because that is what they are attracting to themselves through their belief system.
That is how our universe was created. It has been proven scientifically, and known, experienced and talked about for thousands of years in spiritual circles.
Many man made religions of today teach that you must do certain things or act in certain ways if you are to accomplish or accumulate. Basically, that you must be good.
In many cases, when we hear this sort of thing our conscious mind searches the limitless capacity of the data storehouse, referred to as the subconscious mind, to find a record that has been stored there from as long as several years ago, previously taught to us by well meaning parents or loved ones, which validates this teaching we are now receiving, and reaffirms that information which we establish as truth or belief. It is through these established beliefs which attract the events, conditions and circumstances that manifest in our lives, and makes it our reality.
Many will doubt the validity of what is being shared because it goes against the common belief systems that have been established and been taught to believe as truth.
In an attempt to validate what I am sharing, I’ll use the following example…
Many are familiar with the name, Roger Bannister. For those that aren’t, Mr. Bannister is the man that broke the all time record of running a 4 minute mile, on May 6th 1954.
Until the time that he accomplished that incredible feat, it was believed to be Impossible, and beyond a humans ability to do so. Even psychologists said that it was beyond human comprehension or any humans ability to do so. That was the common belief of that day, and so it was.
That is until Roger Bannister came along, who broke the previous world record, and finished in an amazing 3 minutes 59.4 seconds!
Once it was found that such a thing actually could be accomplished, that record has since been broken many times! The most recent in 2001 in an incredible 3 minutes 43.13 seconds, by Hicham El Guerrouj.
How Is That Possible!? According to the world, even 4 seconds wasn’t possible. It was impossible. According to the most respected psychologists of Bannister’s day, it was Impossible. And so it was. Until someone had established the belief that it could be done, it was impossible.
Until someone had established a strong enough belief that would change history, it was impossible. Since that day in 1954, many have seen that it was possible and had the desire and ability to shed the self limiting belief that held them to that limiting belief. Many since have broken that impossible record!
I could reference hundreds if not thousands of cases in all walks of life that support what is being conveyed, but I don’t have room within this article.
Look at your own life. What self limiting beliefs have you allowed to hold you back from accomplishing your most sought after dreams ands deepest desires? What unfullfilled dreams are you hesitating to act on because the world says that it's impossible?
You don’t have to be a track star to create whatever it is that you desire in your life. You don’t have to be someone else to achieve whatever you desire and enjoy more abundance in your life than you could have ever previously imagined. You don’t have to be anything other than yourself.
So what is the secret of abundance? Great news. There isn’t one. There never has been.
All that is necessary to attract all the abundance you could ever hope for, is for you to shed the self limiting beliefs that you have allowed to be stored as your truth. All that is required is that you develop an awareness of the overflowing abundance and unlimited potential provided to you by the Source of all that is or ever will be.
The only thing required to attract whatever you desire, is that you train the subconscious mind.
All that is needed is for you to change your beliefs about what is possible.
You have the power to choose.
Change your beliefs and you will change your world.
Olubunmi Filani.


One of the reasons we do not face our goals is because when we are faced with an unexpected barrier that we're unsure how to deal with, we shut down. We become discouraged, we start making excuses, and we allow ourselves to back off of our original plan. While this is a human and natural tendency, it's not conducive to success.
An important step that you can take to avoid this barrier blunder is that of carefully planning your goal to include backup plans for all those little "what ifs."
"What if I don't pass the prerequisite course?""What if I don't get the loan?""What if I run out of time?""What if the marketing doesn't work?""What if I just don't feel like it?"
These are all very real barriers that keep us from realizing our life dreams. By preplanning for them, we greatly improve our chances of succeeding and experience the power of being unstoppable.
What kind of barriers can you preplan?
Internal Barriers
Internal barriers include the thoughts you have about your goal, success, and yourself that keep you from being successful. They include your personal fears, motivation, self-esteem, and paradigms.
"What if I just don't feel like doing my assignment?"Solution - commit to working on it for at least 15 minutes. Then take a break and come back to it later
"What if my fear of the phone keeps me from following through on my marketing campaign?"Solution - have a friend help me make phone calls. It might not be so bad if I'm not alone.
"What if I find myself procrastinating?"Solution - ask a friend to call me every day to remind me to spend a little time on my goal. Work on my goal first thing in the morning to get it done and over with.
External Barriers
External barriers include barriers such as money, time, other people's reactions, resources, and results. We are not in direct control of them, but we can affect how they work and we can still plan around them.
"What if the client turns down my proposal?"Solution - ask questions to find out why, and resubmit it.
"What if I forget the worksheets?"Solution - fax a copy to the hotel and get new copies made.
"What if the landscaping blocks don't come in on time?"Solution - pad the timeline and notify the client of this possibility in advance. Realign timeline to work on other projects until the blocks come in.
Practice this technique with even your small, short-term goals. It feels great to know that when a brick wall appears in your path, you have the perfect solution for getting around it and getting back on the road to achievement.
You will overcome.
Olubunmi Filani.