Saturday, September 29, 2007


Creativity and self-esteem go hand-in-hand. Everything that you create has a small part of your fundamental nature woven into it and because of this no two creations will ever be the same. Increasing your self-esteem can help bring a more substantial flow of creative stimulation to your life.
You always bring your personal perspective and life experiences into whatever it is you are creating. How you view who you truly are will most definitely be reflected in the works that you create.
Having poor self-esteem will likely cause you to feel that there isn't any point in trying to create something because you probably couldn't do it properly anyway, so why bother. Even if you did produce something magnificent you would not see it as such and would more than likely obsess over it's faults and dismiss any compliments you received from others about your creation.
Having a healthy dose of self-esteem, on the other hand, allows you to focus more on the pleasure of being creative. You wouldn't worry about getting it just right and would revel in your finished creation. Any compliments others give you would be well received and you would feel good about what you accomplished.
Use the three simple ways below to help increase your self-esteem so that your creativity gets a chance to shine through you.
1.Celebrate your individuality. Have you noticed how hard everyone tries to fit in? You may have even recognized this within yourself. Instead of spending so much time trying to be like everyone, spend time every day celebrating and honoring the uniqueness of who you are. Use this uniqueness in everything you do, from washing dishes to a work project to an artistic creation.
2.Focus on the process rather than the outcome. By becoming completely involved with whatever it is you are doing you are letting yourself become tuned into your inborn creative insight. Let go of worrying about what anyone else may think of you or your creative endeavors. Take pleasure in every second you engage in the act of creating. You won't enjoy the final destination if you don't allow yourself to enjoy the journey along the way.
3.Embrace the knowledge that you deserve YOU time. Often when you are struggling with low self-esteem or when your life gets crazy busy, the first thing you'll give up are creative activities. You might feel guilty taking time to do something you truly enjoy as you might view it as an unnecessary activity. You need to know that allowing yourself to take the time to do something you enjoy everyday is as essential to your well being as eating or sleeping.
Creativity and self-esteem truly do go hand-in-hand. Self-esteem can increase your creativity and allowing yourself to express your creativity can bolster your self-esteem! Engaging in creative activities has a way of helping you connect with your inner self in deep and positive ways. The more you take the time to get away from all the routine tasks in your life, the more your life will transform into something beautiful as well
You will reach your goal.
Olubunmi Filani.


Want to know how you can guarantee success in your life?
Here are three simple yet powerful ways that the most successful people rely on.
1. If What You Are Doing Is Not Working Change Your Approach
Things do not change until you change. Doing nothing is not an option in case you actually think it is. The trend will continue and reach its natural conclusion until you change the trend.
What will happen if you do not change your approach? Year after year you will become more and more frustrated and bitter.
You could easily adopt the world view that nothing ever works out for you and before long you will spend most of your time with other negative people.
Decide to change and look for answers. The clock is ticking. And the time to begin is now.
2. Learn From People Who Get Results
It is easy to get advice when you have a problem. Everyone has an opinion! However, unless that person has proven expertise in that area be careful about following his advice.
On the other hand when you want to become better at something all you really need to do is to open your eyes. Who do you know who excels at that activity? Who has already solved that problem in their own life?
Recently I was walking around town with a friend who invests in property. Now a lot of people own their own home and even a second home. This man is different.
He owns several million dollars worth of residential property and a hotel. Maybe he would be a good person to talk to if you want to learn how to make money in property!
As we walked around I asked him lots and lots of questions. He is very patient with me! I was amazed how much I could learn in minutes just by asking the right questions of someone with the right answers.
Remember this...
A helpful mentor can save you years of trial and error.
3. Invest In Your Future
I have always been fascinated at how quickly life can change once you discover and use new distinctions. Think about it.
The only thing stopping you from succeeding in any area of life is a lack of knowledge. And if you commit to learning you can bridge that gap.
Let us say your goal is to be the CEO of the largest company in your town or city.
What is stopping you?
A lack of knowledge and skills.
And these can be learned. You can acquire the knowledge and mental skills, the people skills and the ability to handle pressure.
Obviously you will choose a goal that will make you happy and avoid occupations that you are not suited to. You will naturally favor goals that build on your interests and aptitudes.
How are you going to quickly acquire the skills you need to move ahead in your life? The fastest way is to invest money in courses and books that reveal the strategies you need. Consider how much money you spend each year to service your car. The cost of oil changes, new tires and other repairs. Not to mention insurance.
Do you spend this much on servicing and upgrading your skills?
The first time I attended a huge three day personal development seminar it was with several thousand people. And I learned a lot in the car park! I noticed at 3 A.M. when the first day ended that the car park was full of very expensive luxury cars. Porsche, Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Bentley and Ferrari.
It was then that I understood what separates the most successful people from everyone else. A lifetime commitment to learning and a willingness to invest in their own development.
Do you want to step up and join those at the top of your field? It is easier than you think because most people prefer to do nothing and hope that things will somehow get better.
As long as you can sustain your motivation to succeed over the long term your ultimate achievment is virtually assured. Take action and invest today in a bright new future.
To your success,
Olubunmi Filani.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
We aren't born that way nor do we mean to be that way, but it can often come about because of our past experiences,what someone may have told us, what we've read in the papers… and then without realising, we develop these inner enemies. How many of them can you identify with?
(1) The Confused Indecision-makerYou will often hear the Confused Indecision-Maker complaining about the way things are, and how much better it would be if things were different. It's often "someone else's" fault too. But if you stopped them and asked, "What do you want then?" they usually find it hard to give you an answer. They know what they don't want, but they don't know what they do want. As a result, they don't make decisions that will take them closer to what they want, nor do they recognise it when what they want is staring them between the eyes.
(2) The HistorianThere are three aspects to the Historian. The first is that historians think that because it hasn't happened in the past or that they haven't made it happen in the past, that it won't happen in the future. The second aspect is that they keep on thinking with the same mindset as in the past, and so never begin to see things with a new perspective or come up with new ideas. And the third is that they are continually bemoaning how wonderful things were in "the good old days" that they fail to notice what's good about today.
(3) The Doubting ThomasOne of the favourite utterances of the Doubting Thomas is, "See! I told you so!" The Doubting Thomas is the person who either thinks that it can't be done or that they can't do it. So they don't put any effort into getting what they want, and then, when it doesn't happen, they get to be right! At other times, the Doubting Thomas may well put effort into getting what they want, but then spend their time worrying about it and wondering if it will ever happen. This causes them to feel stressed and tired.
(4) The Scaredy CatPart of the "price" for achieving our goals is to move outside of our comfort zone and to do some new things that we may not have undertaken before. The reward is that this helps us to grow as a person. It takes us to new heights, while also enabling us to experience adventure and fun. The Scaredy Cat though, will prefer to stand on the sidelines, watching others do what they do and marvel at how courageous and clever other people are. Often, Scaredy Cats are great at cheering others on, and they may "excuse" themselves for not venturing out of their comfort zones by being "modest". But deep down, they may secretly wish that they were brave enough themselves too… if only they could overcome their fear of failure.
(5) The Scatterbrain"Roll up, roll up! This is the latest and the greatest!" So the Scattergun diverts their attention yet again to the latest good idea and that becomes their new goal. The trouble is that they haven't allowed sufficient time for their earlier ideas to germinate and to take root, not to mention taking appropriate action, before they are off again, chasing the next rainbow.
So, be willing to meet your enemies face to face! Greet them! Thank them for having been there in the past, but now be courageous enough to bid them good-bye. And in their place, embrace the person you want to become.
Olubunmi Filani.


Many creative people have a bad attitude about making money. When it comes to talking about wealth and prosperity, they look at you like you’re from Mars.
Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret.
The purpose of creative art inspire. Wrong. The purpose of all creativity is to make money.
Oh, I can hear some of you cringe at the thought. And that’s just it. Your thoughts about money are, well ­ let me put it this way ­ they’re not bringing in much dough. Most importantly, your thoughts about suffering for your art are not allowing you to develop the full measure of your gifts.
I’m not saying that art should not be inspiring. All great art is. Just that it has to bring in a good income. An inspiring income.
Why not admit right now that having money, and I mean a lot of money, eliminates all worries and stress. No more energy wasted on how you’re going to pay those bills. No more creative energy gone down the drain as you stress out about your debts.
Here are ten ways to attract wealth.
1. First and foremost: Accept the possibility of wealth in your life. This is a big step towards manifesting riches.
2. Figure out what you would do for nothing. All successful people are receiving compensation for doing things that they’d do for nothing. They are getting paid for doing something they truly enjoy. Now that is success.
3. Eliminate self-doubt and criticism. Change the channels, turn down the volume and switch to your inner voice of supreme confidence. Make it play the tune you want to hear.
4. Accept an initial large workload. Don’t quit your current job. Allow it to finance your new road to wealth. You might be burning the midnight oil initially, but that’s just to get you off the ground and running.
5. Bury the hatchet of guilt. Deal with all unresolved emotional hangovers. Bury them and never look back. Otherwise they will drain your valuable creative juices.
6. Simplify your external stimuli. Silence your TV and radio to the point that all they are used for is to enhance your creative life.
7. Slow down. You’ll be far more efficient when you stop rushing around like most people. Your mind won’t be on overload so it can reclaimed and used to envision your new life.
8. Get rid of all your beliefs. Beliefs keep you from experiencing life. They are a blind acceptance of someone else’s experience. Only you can decide what works and what doesn’t. No belief in the world can do this for you.
9. Interrupt all thoughts of fear. They will silence your visions of success. Instead, see that everything is possible. Abundance is infinite. It’s not monopolized. A life of wealth is yours for the taking.
10. Imagine a life where all your needs are fulfilled. Can you feel the result of such a life? In fact, the more you see yourself living fully, the likelier the possibility is of that happening.
It’s the joy and freedom of wealth that we are all seeking. So, never for a moment think that you’re not one of the chosen ones. Break your poverty mentality. That’s all history.
Begin today in your mind’s eye picturing yourself as wealthy. There’s no turning back.
“You must put the whole power of your great soul into every act, however small and commonplace, and so reveal to your family, your friends, and neighbors what you really are.” ­Wallace D. Wattles.
So, find the one thing you just love to do and pay exclusive attention to it. Keep all distractions at bay. Never waver from your love. Your beautiful life is intricately dependent on your careful attention to this one thing.
You will be successful.

Olubunmi Filani

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.If you did, what would there be to look forward to?Be thankful when you don't know something,for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.During those times you grow.Be thankful for your limitations,because they give you opportunities for improvement.Be thankful for each new challenge,because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.Be thankful when you're tired and weary,because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,and they can become your blessings.
It shall be well with you.
See you!!!


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,when the funds are low and the debts are high,and you want to smile but you have to sigh,when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must,but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns.As everyone of us sometimes learns.And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out.Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup;and he learned too late when the night came down,how close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out - the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,and when you never can tell how close you are,it may be near when it seems afar;so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - it's when things seem worst,you must not quit.
No matter what happens,don't quit because success is just by the corner.
See you at the top.
Olubunmi Filani



Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

I hope this guide will be useful for somebody.

Olubunmi Filani

success quotes for you

"Treat others as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."

*We must be the epitome-the embodiment-of success. We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must first become mentally, from an attitude standpoint, the people we wish to become."
George Herbert Allen
"Eighty percent of success is showing up."
Woody Allen
"If I feel depressed I will sing. If I feel sad I will laugh. If I feel ill I will double my labor. If I feel fear I will plunge ahead. If I feel inferior I will wear new garments. If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice. If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come. If I feel incompetent I will think of past success. If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals. Today I will be the master of my emotions."
Og Mandino
Success Quotes
"If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success."
John D. Rockefeller
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Calvin Coolidge
Success Quotes
"I have learned this at least by my experience: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
Henry David Thoreau
"You never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing."
Dale Carnegie
"If you envy successful people, you create a negative force field of attraction that repels you from ever doing the things that you need to do to be successful. If you admire successful people, you create a positive force field of attraction that draws you toward becoming more and more like the kinds of people that you want to be like."
Brian Tracy
Success Quotes
"The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion... It is the man who carefully advances step by step, with his mind becoming wider and wider - and progressively better able to grasp any theme or situation - persevering in what he knows to be practical, and concentrating his thought upon it, who is bound to succeed in the greatest degree."
Alexander Graham Bell
"All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right about face which turns us from failure to success."
Dorthea Bragg
"If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for."
Florence Scovel Shinn
"When I was younger, I thought that the key to success was just hard work. But the real foundation is faith. Faith -- the idea that "I can do it -- is the opposite of fear ("What if I fail?"). And faith creates motivation which in turn leads to commitment, hard work, preparation ... and eventually success."
Howard Twilley
Success Quotes
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."
William Feather
"The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams."
Og Mandino
"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
Norman Vincent Peale
"When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative 'success mechanism' within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or 'willpower.'"
Maxwell Maltz
"Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye and you will be drawn toward it. Picture yourself vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success. Great living starts with a picture, held in your imagination, of what you would like to do or be."
Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick
Success Quotes
"Loser's visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success."
Dr. Rob Gilbert
"Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are."
Norman Vincent Peale
Success Quotes
"The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic, and self-complacent is erroneous. On the contrary, it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant, and kind. Failure makes people bitter and cruel."
Somerset Maugham
"Failure: A few errors in judgment repeated every day. Success: A few simple disciplines practiced every day."
James Rohn
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Thomas Edison
"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
Mark Caine

Use and enjoy the following success quotes for your overall success.

Olubunmi Filani.

Welcome Message

Hello, This blog is alive and it is dedicated to bring out the best success tips and strategies that will make you successful in life.
Make sure you visit this blog often as wonderful tips and strategies for success will be posted.
Bye and God bless you.
